Saturday 10 March 2007

Day 2 - Boredom!

Here I am again, this time at the slightly earlier time and not feeling as rough as I anticipated.

Had what felt like a hangover headache when woke this morning and at some point that went as I feel fine now.

Had the luxury of husband and children going out for most of the day to see family. Rather than trying to cope with various dilemmas at this early stage, I decided to stay home, chill out and wait for the headache to subside.

I had a sleep, read some of the Foundation book (I love the true stories of others who have lost weight and more importantly kept it off), and watched x3 episodes of The Closer stored on NTL, well Virgin as it is now. I missed them as soon as they went out the door and immediately thought about making a coffee and grabbing a snack to go with it!!!!

Had first pack about 10.30am, and happily lasted until 3.30pm for the second. Saturday night is normally take away night and if I let myself I can imagine all the options available, and how I would perhaps just have a bit now I know abstinence. YEAH RIGHT! What has been powerful is that I realised I was either wanting something out of habit/boredom or like yesterday would of popped some of the dinner I was making into my mouth ......

Because It Was There.

Well nearly at the end of Day 2 and have x2 packs to get me through. I may look at some of the recipies you can make ... I'm sure somebody said you can make a cookie or muffin. Have also nearly got through the minimum 4 litres of water = many trips to the loo.


Wendy said...

Hi Soon be!

Good to see you've started a blog - I'm finding it helpful to update mine when I need to waffle on. I think the headaches etc are quite normal as your body is getting used to not having all the carbs and caffiene etc.
Stick with it and I'll keep track of your progress :o)
Wendy x

Hippoellie said...

Hi Soon Be- thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I will read yours too, it always helps to read the true stories as you say. Still managing, hope you are too- you can do this, believe me!
Kathy (hippoellie)

Lesley said...

Keep it up, you're doing great and I can see you're already finding the benefits of abstinence versus constant obsession with food.

The headaches'll be gone soon and in a couple of weeks you should get the energy burst and then exercise and a shrinking waistline beckons - you can do it!
