Sunday, 24 February 2008


Well it's finally time to be an adult and put the cookies (an addiction I have discovered)/takeaways/toast and anything else calling my name, and get back into my HAPPY ZONE.

Sadly I did have a takeaway, but you know what? It was not half as tasty as I imagined it would be and I felt full after what was probably quite a healthy starter. Back in the real world I should of said " I enjoyed the starter, but now I am full and do not want to be writhing around in agony as I have over stretched my stomach". OK, maybe too much detail but you get the point.

Moving on ..... I knew last night I wanted to make a real go of this, and woke this morning feeling the same way.

Before the children stirred I grabbed myself a large glass of water and set some goals to get me through today. These were:

  1. Have 4 litres of water. To ensure that I drink enough, I measured this amount and have been drinking from it all day;
  2. Have x4 packs, trying to avoid a bar to speed up ketosis;
  3. Black tea/coffee only
  4. Take my vitamin pills
  5. Tackle my work list for next week and feel organised instead of out of control for Monday.

1-4 are in the bag, but not done 5. However have read and completed a whole study session on course one, and printed some material to read for course two. Therefore have managed a lot, but still have the work thing hanging over me. Apart from getting my bag ready for work, am not going to do it now and will have to make some time Monday for it.

Symptoms -

Woke with a dull head, probably down to the glass of wine last night!!!! Mostly through the day been OK but headache seems to of taken hold and I did have a really empty feeling mid afternoon. I made myself a black coffee and half a choc pack into a mouse while the girls and I watched a few videos from High School Musical. I think I love it more than them and just find it evokes so many happy emotions. Yes I know I am a grown women.

Achievements -

  1. Set some goals with acknowledgement need to do one day at a time
  2. Had a few trigger moments when wanted to avoid childcare and would normally eat to placate my stress of yet another child bored;
  3. Made Children a number of meals/snacks and did not have any - despite left overs;
  4. Completed some of my studying and realise although both assignments due in at same time, think may just pull it off;
  5. Have washed everybody clothes, sorted out children's outfits for Monday and decided to be kind to myself and will put them away another day.
  6. Am writing my BLOG at a reasonable hour and still have some time for me.

I know I still have a few hours to go before bed time, but feel in control and know have pack and half to go. Must admit starting to feel hunger pangs again. Will test myself and sort Hubby's dinner out before I retire to my chamber and look at a few magazines. Hey I may even be able to add getting a full nights sleep to my list of achievements. Can't remember the last time.

Thanks for the support, blimey I need it right now.

Night Night all,

Sam xx

1 comment:

Lesley said...

There look - you made LOADS of great choices so now you know it can be done.

Well done Sam and keep it up. It really is worth it.

Lesley xx