Friday, 9 March 2007

Day 1

Well it's the end of day one, and I can soon go to bed safe in the knowledge I haven't cheated!

On the downside I have a dull headache, feel tired and probably should of gone to bed hours ago. I just wanted to get this BLOG up and running before the moment passed and all the days merge into one.

Husband made himself a crayfish and avocado salad which looked & smelled nice. However to say I have eaten nothing to speak of, I was surprised I had no need to wrestle him to the ground for his meal. It must be working already!!!!

Had a few scary moments today when I made my children's tea. Usually I would pick at the scraps or perhaps try a bit as I served things out. It smelled lovely and I had to remember not to eat on autopilot. I know it's only day one, but my positive feelings gave way with thoughts of previous failed diets/health regimes. It's a slippery slope I have too often known of convincing myself 'a little bit won't hurt'. Even if I manage to hold it together that day, it plants the seed of doubt which I find really hard to get back into a positive mindset. Maybe it is easier to leave food for a while so no room for MODERATION.

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